- 解锁BL
- 进开发者模式
- 然后开OEM,adb调试
- 重启到fastboot
adb reboot fastboot
- 在fastboot中开启BL
fastboot unlock
- 装Magisk
- 去官网把Pixel 3XL的镜像下载来,拿到里面的boot.img。
- 下载地址:https://developers.google.com/android/images#crosshatch
- 手机装Magisk
- 把这个img放手机里,在手机上的Magisk中选安装->选择并修复一个文件—>选刚才放入手机中的boot.img,写入完成后会在Download文件夹下生成一个magisk_[xxxxx].img(xxxx会变动)。
adb push ./boot.img /sdcard/Download/
adb pull /sdcard/Download/magisk_patched-27000_PbD9p.img ./- 把这个文件丢电脑中,重启到fastboot用fastboot刷入就可以了。命令
fastboot flash boot [magiskxxx.img]
- 拉一个开源项目,有师傅讲原有的China Telecom Supporter改了过后就可以了,在Magisk中的模块是无法使用的,可能里面的参赛有变化。
How to use this module:
Since Magisk-Repo reject modules specific to certain devices, you need to install this module manually. Procedure are as follows:Packaging and send it to your phone
git clone https://github.com/Yunoon/china_telecom_supporter cd china_telecom_supporter
zip -r /tmp/china_telecom_supporter.zip *
adb push /tmp/china_telecom_supporter.zip /sdcard/Download/
Install it from Magisk Manager UI
Go to "Magisk Manager -> Modules -> Install from storage", choose china_telecom_supporter.zip and install, reboot.